So you love Nitrovit, and can’t help telling people about it too?…
We receive a lot of emails asking whether we have a rewards program for those kind enough to pass word of Nitrovit on to friends, family, and on social media.
If you would like to be given a unique referrers code personal to you, to hand to those people you’ve told about Nitrovit, then email me directly at
The person you’re introducing will get 15% off their first purchase and you’ll receive a reward each month as a thank you.
Please specify:
1) Your full name
2) Your preferred code
Example: If your name is Ann, perhaps your personal referrer’s code could be ANN15. This is easy to remember for both you, and your referral. You give them the code and they simply enter it in at checkout to receive their 15% discount.
The Nitrovit rewards program

So all you need do is spread the word!
Here are 3 simple ways you can start today…

When your referred customer makes a purchase using your unique code, our computer will make a note of that and add up your total reward amount due.
You may have this as gift vouchers, cash transferred to PayPal (only), or if you are the sort of person that doesn’t wish to be personally rewarded then why not let us give your reward to a charity of your choice?
It’s really easy to get started… Just send me an email now with your full name and preferred choice of code (one that is easy to remember) and then start giving it to people you feel might love Nitrovit as much as you and I do.
Email me now and let’s get started…
Best regards,
Note: For online based affiliates and reviewers – please click here