The Ultimate Guide For Musicians Looking To Perform Better

guide for musicians to perform better

THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR MUSICIANS LOOKING TO PERFORM BETTER A complete digital guide covering the musicians mindset, how to get more from your practice and how to prepare for a live performance.   The team at Noosician have pulled together a checklist to help you become a better musician. Firstly, this document is for beginner […]

How Light Affects Your Mood And Productivity?

light, mood and productivity

Environment has a huge impact on mood and productivity, and light is a key aspect of that. According to scientists, light has the ability to change the way we feel and work. We may not pay much attention to it, but making some adjustments in the type and amount of light we get can have […]

Bupropion As A Nootropic; What Are The Cognitive Benefits?

bupropion as a nootropic

Bupropion is largely used as a smoking cessation therapy and as an antidepressant, in due to its advantages in contrast to other common SSRIs: it does not cause weight gain or sexual dysfunction. It is most commonly known under the brand name for the prescription-based drug as Wellbutrin. Bupropion as a Nootropic? Can it Provide […]

Supplements For Meditation – In-depth Guide

meditation supplements

Supplements for Meditation Level 1 – Getting started Studies carried out over the years have proved beyond doubt that meditation positively changes the brain and provides both short and long-term benefits to cognitive function. This article looks at how supplements for meditation aids the cognitive improvements meditation can provide. Research has only strengthened the widely […]