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ADHD Sufferers Could Be Potential Geniuses

ADHD sufferers could likely be geniuses

People often associate the effects of ADHD as negative, with some parents even going as far as claiming that their child suffering from ADHD might just never “live a normal life.”

But, what is a normal life? On the contrary, in this day and age, many people strive to not be normal – to become the 1%. In light of this, some people believe that ADHD sufferers might just have a hard time being successful in life.

On the contrary, in this day and age, many people strive to not be normal – to become the 1%. In light of this, some people believe that ADHD sufferers might just have a hard time being successful in life.

However, Prof. Michael Fitzgerald honestly believes that some of the people suffering from ADHD might not be suffering at all. He believes that many of those who carry ADHD symptoms also carry the ability to “hyperfocus” on specific things that bring them interest.

One amazing example, of which, is the late Kurt Cobain – lead singer of the extremely successful band Nirvana.
Whilst often thought of as a disadvantage, Prof. Fitzgerald came out with bold statements claiming that in mild cases, these symptoms might prove an extreme advantage.

“A lot of the symptoms associated with ADHD is risk-taking behavior. Although sometimes, it isn’t seen in a good light, with cases leading to destructive behavior, under the right circumstances, and when nurtured with the right type of mindset, it might just allow amazing abilities.” Michael Fitzgerald

In fact, the professor goes on to list quite a few significant and memorable people in the past who all suffered from ADHD.

A few of these would be Mozart, Andy Warhol, James Dean, and Kurt Cobain. All of these were very popular people and were able to produce some amazing work in the time that they were alive.

This doesn’t mean that everyone with ADHD is creative geniuses, though. It isn’t really a guarantee – otherwise, the US would be filled with quite a lot of geniuses in this century, with the growing numbers of ADHD sufferers.
However, this might just put to light that although often seen as bad, ADHD does have some amazing capabilities to offer.

Although not all ADHD sufferers are creative geniuses, their capacity to hyper-focus, thereby, allowing them immense amounts of drive and energy towards a specific goal, might just be their pathway to that sort of excellence.

So, for those of you who don’t have ADHD, you might want to start investing your time in some of the things that you’re passionate about.

As hard as it might seem, you might just get a spark of inspiration, leading you to become one of the decade’s – or the century’s – most influential people. Now, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?