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Does My Child Have ADD Or ADHD?

Does my child have ADD/ Attention deficit disorder

Does my child have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)? To listen to the audio recording of this blog post click the play button below. This question is being asked by parents more and more frequently as the number of children suffering at school from focus, behavior, and boredom issues increases. But what is causing this rise […]

Productivity Wallpaper

productivity wallpaper to get more done

Get organized with Project Noo You’s ‘Productivity Wallpaper’ for your desktop background. If your desktop looks like the mess on the left monitor in the picture below then I have something for you – my Productivity Wallpaper. If you’re a little unorganized I think you’ll find it really useful. The desktop on the right hand […]

Optimizing Your Workout Or Work Session.

optimise your workout or work session

Hello there, this is Mark. I have worked out and kept relatively fit most of my life and was recently asked what music I listen to when I am training, and when I’m working from home. It prompted this small blog post with my view on listening to music when exercising or working, plus 2 other […]

Should NITROvit Be Taken With Or Without Food?

Should nitrovit be taken with food?

Nitrovit – With or without food? One of the email questions I get asked a lot is whether Nitrovit’s nootropics work better with or without food? The correct answer is actually both. I’ll explain… You see both options can offer unique benefits, because whether you take nootropics with food or not (at least healthy fatty […]

The Benefits Of Maca Root For Men And Women

Benefits of Maca for Men and Women

Maca root is a Peruvian plant that grows in high altitudes in the Andean mountains. It’s a cruciferous vegetable, just like broccoli, kale and cabbage. Maca root has been a staple of the Peruvian diet for thousands of years as a nutritious vegetable and a medicine for a variety of ailments. These days it’s most […]