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Productivity Wallpaper

productivity wallpaper to get more done

Get organized with Project Noo You’s ‘Productivity Wallpaper’ for your desktop background.

If your desktop looks like the mess on the left monitor in the picture below then I have something for you – my Productivity Wallpaper.

If you’re a little unorganized I think you’ll find it really useful.

The desktop on the right hand side in the above picture is using the Project Noo You wallpaper I designed for my own use to stay better organized and productive.

You see, with ADHD, I am an organizational nightmare, but thankfully I stay on top due to implementing many productivity strategies like this wallpaper.

Our standard desktop backgrounds do nothing for keeping our files and folders organized, and so this is my solution:

By setting this image as your desktop background you can now move your files and folders into the relevant spaces so your desktop looks more like this:

Now everything has a home, and files that would normally be lost on a desktop full of icons don’t get forgotten about.

It’s worth noting that the files and folders in the above example are set to ‘Extra Large’ for better visibility.

When the fonts and folders size is set to standard you’ll fit more than double the number of files into each section.

At the end of this article you’ll find all the wallpapers (various resolutions) for you to download now (free of charge).

A breakdown of the categories:

  • Shortcuts – Recycle Bin, folders used constantly etc.
  • Urgent – Anything that needs dealing with within the next 72 hours
  • To-Do/Documents – Your weeks work goes here
  • Awaiting Others – Anything you are waiting on others to help with/need to follow up
  • Unsorted/Organize – A place to dump screenshots and files to be organized during free time
  • Current Projects – Here I temporarily place folders I use regularly or need to reference if on a call etc.
  • Games/App – For my Applications, and of course, a couple of games for down time

If you’re interested, I keep files and folders in the various categories for the following amount of time:

  • Shortcuts – Almost always. These are my main folders I use constantly and rarely do I change them
  • Urgent – I keep files in here for no more than 72 hours. After that time it’s either dealt with or wasn’t urgent
  • To-Do/Documents – I usually put work files here that I will use within the next 7 days. After that I move to Current Projects or move them off the desktop and onto a hard drive
  • Awaiting Others – There is no time limit here, though if I am waiting more than 2 weeks for someone else I do tend to move it off the desktop until nearer the time
  • Unsorted/Organize – Anything placed here usually gets found a home when I first have free time – usually at the end of the day
  • Current Projects – Here I place the main folders I work on regularly, or docs I may need to reference if on a call etc.
  • Games/App – This section has no time limit. Keep your Apps and games shortcuts here until you no longer need them

Your Productivity Desktop Wallpaper – how to download

I have done 3 different sizes for you which covers the majority of screen resolutions on laptop and desktop computers.

Here’s how to download yours:

  1. Choose your screen resolution (you can discover this by right clicking on your desktop and looking under ‘Display settings’)
  2. Choose your preferred color (black or white)
  3. Click the website link relating to the wallpaper that matches your screen resolution from those below
  4. Right click on the image and ‘Save as image’
  5. Open downloaded wallpaper and ‘Set as desktop background’
  6. If the wallpaper is too small right click on your desktop and go to Display Settings
  7. Set as Fill or Fill Screen (not Centered or Tiled)

You should now be able to find the files and folders you want, or are currently working on, in seconds.

I hope this helps a little to keep you better organized.

Until next time, stay productive.

P.S. If you find this useful, there are 37 more ‘Workspace Productivity Tips’ in this blog article you can read by clicking here.

P.P.S. If you really want to push your productivity through the roof, check out our dedicated focus and productivity nootropic supplement NITROvit…

With L-Theanine and Bacopa leaf – both shown to support dopamine production for better focus, learning, and memory – along with other great nootropics, for less than $1.50 per day – you can become a productive powerhouse.

You can read about it here: Buy Nitrovit – Project Noo You

Choose Your Productivity Wallpaper:

1400 x 900 Black –

1400 x 900 White –

1920 x 1080 Black –

1920 x 1080 White –

2880 x 1800 Black –

2880 x 1800 White –