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Does Light Affect Productivity And Mood?

light, mood and productivity

That age old question… Does light affect productivity? Well, if you’re a home worker or solopreneur then you’ll likely already know how light and your environment can have a huge impact on mood and productivity. According to scientists, light has the ability to change the way we feel and work. We may not pay much […]

Bupropion As A Nootropic; What Are The Cognitive Benefits?

bupropion as a nootropic

Bupropion is largely used as a smoking cessation therapy and as an antidepressant, in due to its advantages in contrast to other common SSRIs: it does not cause weight gain or sexual dysfunction. It is most commonly known under the brand name for the prescription-based drug as Wellbutrin. Bupropion as a Nootropic? Can it Provide […]